My of a kind.
Created by Kate 3 years ago
Mum simply was and always will be, one of a kind and a seriously brave lady. Her humour, sharp wit and keen mind will always be missed. Her love of history, general knowledge and learning was with her right to the end. Too have lost an entire year with the pandemic hurts tremendously. I am so gratefulvthough that those last weeks we were granted access, it was tough but her bravery was inspiring in the face of such hopeless prognosis. Mum will be remembered by my girls, as the best Granny, who spoilt them, chatted endlessly to them and took such delight in their individuality! Mum was always a strong lady, and would rather do without than half measures. I always admired her strength, and loved to make her happy. Our bond will not be broken by death, and I know that being with her at the end was so important to us both, (I would never leave her side as a child!) Mum, I love you, will miss you always and our phone chats will be so hard not to long for in the coming weeks, months and years! You were uncompromising, complicated, clever and a warrior, and I wouldn't want you any other way!! I could never be half the person I am without your strength and sense of self. I love you, rest well Mum you are still here in me and my girls! Kate xx
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